Awakening Unity - A Glorify Reflection


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On 19 & 20 August 2021, Awaken Generation held its live worship and album recording at Gateway Theatre, Singapore. Moved by a desire to magnify the Lord in one of the toughest times the world has ever faced, we felt it was important to gather the body of Christ in worship. But nothing prepared us for how profound those two nights would be.

In this blog, worship leader Ian Chew shares his thoughts on the beauty of unity, moved by witnessing Exodus 35 coming alive before his eyes.

I was deeply humbled to witness how a collective of skilled craftsmen came together to pull off this endeavour. We simply could not have achieved the level of excellence we did without the support of the wider community. The lighting team; stage crew; camera operators; technical directors; producers; those who sowed financially, and those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes making sure that everything ran smoothly - these were the true heroes who brought their gifts and talents that made this recording possible. 

Seeing Exodus 35 come alive, my heart was moved. In this passage, the Lord commanded the Israelites to build unto Him the Tabernacle, where His presence and glory would dwell. Everyone who was willing, brought their offering of costliest possessions like gold, silver, and precious stones and materials (v4-29). Those who were skilled came forward to build the sanctuary and to “engage in all kinds of artistic crafts” (v33), and the Lord anointed them with “skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers, and weavers” (v35). 

These were men and women from different tribes coming together to establish a place where the glory of God rested. It took both people who were willing to give an offering, and people who were skilled with their hands.


I love that at Glorify, we witnessed the coming together of willing individuals, each highly skilled at what they do. Together with the worship team on stage, everyone behind the scenes brought their offering and skills so that songs of God’s glory could be released. I felt incredibly thankful seeing the community of volunteers that God has blessed and entrusted us with. 


It’s beautiful knowing we all come from different churches. This is something I believe brought delight to the Father’s heart. One of the marks of the Church in revival is the sign of unity, and believers coming together despite our differences to glorify our God is the most profound worship to Him. 

Ian Chew is the School Overseer and Resident Worship Leading Mentor at our AG School. With the calling of being a worship revivalist, Ian’s desire is to see God release forerunners to write powerful, prophetic songs for the nations. Follow him at @ianchew7

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